National Board Certified Acupuncturist, Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac.) in New Jersey; Master of Acupuncture (M.Ac.); Diplomate of Acupuncture (Dipl. Ac,); owner and co-founder of Shore Points Acupuncture.
Craig completed the Master in Acupuncture program at the New England School of Acupuncture & Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in Worcester, MA. He also holds a B.A. in Psychology from Loyola University in Baltimore, MD.
Craig's practice is non-specific; he treats both acute and chronic conditions: from pain management, musculoskeletal, and digestive disorders to anxiety, depression, men's health, and stroke recovery/rehabilitation. Post-graduate studies have focused on Yamamoto Scalp Acupuncture, seminars in orthopedic acupuncture, Master Tung's acupuncture, stroke recovery/rehabilitation, Chinese dietetics and nutrition, and Qi Gong.
Craig brings intention and focus to his practice. The goal is to create a relaxing, nourishing experience, one that brings deeper healing on all levels of the body and an unfolding of one's authentic self. Through education, encouragement, and individualized treatments, Craig meets each patient on their life's journey, assists in bringing whole-body balance, and invites each patient into a deeper self-awareness and realization that everyone holds the key to their own health.
When not practicing acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Craig finds joy in music, nature, food, and travel.
Michelle is a National Board Certified Acupuncturist, licensed to practice in NJ and NY, and a Diplomate of Acupuncture. She earned her Master of Science in Classical Acupuncture at Pacific College of Health and Science in New York, and her B.A. from Loyola University in Baltimore, MD. Michelle is the owner and co-founder of Shore Points Acupuncture along with her brother, Craig.
Her goal as a practitioner of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine is to assist individuals in finding and feeling into the essence of who they are. Michelle believes we all have the tools to settle into and trust our most authentic self.
Michelle brings to the practice her passion for Chinese medicine, a desire to educate her patients, and a willingness to be a guiding light for self-healing and the natural rebalancing of the mind-body-spirit.
Michelle has been a practitioner of Chinese Medicine for 10 years! She has studied essential oils and aroma-acu-point therapy extensively with Tiffany Carole, Peter Holmes, and Jeffrey Yuen. The past three years have found Michelle delving deeply into the art of Chinese Face Reading, studying with the late Lillian Bridges. Recently, Michelle has shifted her focus from her private practice to teaching and facilitating group sessions around the essential oils and Chinese medicine!
Michelle is part of the first program to offer auricular acupuncture treatments for stress management to students in the Occupational Therapy Department at Monmouth University. She is also a Level Two Reiki practitioner and a trained member of Acupuncturist Without Borders.